Monday, September 24, 2007

last days in india...

so just to quickly give u a bit of an idea...after leaving leh and having our crazybus ride we spent afew daysresting and partying with other bus survivors in manali...wasn't much to do there but go for walks around the surrounding hills. which were quite impressive...The only other thing manali is known for is its can be seen growing EVERYWHERE on the side of the roads...nowi realise where it got the name weed from!
we then scooted west to the town of mcleod ganj which is the official residence of the dalai it was a very peacefulplaceas expected. and ltos of tibetan refugees there...went for a walk one day to this waterfall and got stranded in the cafe up the top fortwo hours because it wasbucketing down....also did two cooking indian and one learning how to make tibetan mo mo's...which are SO hard for anyone who knows what they are! mine were terrible...
it rained like teh whole time we were there so also saw a few moremovies....ang again the bollywood movie wasset in australia! crazy..had no idea again. was set in sydney and was THE MOST cheesy movie i have ever seen...had to go buy a few bollywood movies to bring home cosill miss them!
then it was back onto a bus(this onewas much safer!) back to delhi so wecould fly out to nepal!

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